BIOGROW supplies a trusted, scientifically proven range of certified organic products made from natural, biodegradable ingredients that are not harmful to the environment, chemical and toxin free and will not contaminate soil, underground water, or affect soil organisms. The range will assist in insect and disease management while improving your plants health. They are suitable for both in and outdoors and may be used up to harvest day.
Insect Control
BIOGROW has a range of target specific biopesticides that work immediately to deal with pests without residual chemicals remaining on the plants, in the water or in the soil.
Use Bioneem, which is a natural product derived from the seed of the neem tree (Azadirachta indica). It is used to prevent sucking, chewing and biting insects, for example Aphids, Whitefly, Spider mite, Bollworm, Codling Moth, Fruit fly, Caterpillars, Thrips, Mealybug. Using Bioneem regularly will disturb how insect behave and slow down their metabolism. It is soft and friendly on beneficial insects, such as bees and butterflies. Bioneem it a safer alternative to synthetic insecticides. It breaks down rapidly in the environment and has minimal toxicity to humans, and animals. It is registered for use in SA. See label for application and more information. Pre-harvest period: 0 days. Re-Entry period: 0 days. MRL: 0ppm. Certified Organic.
Try Biogrow’s Neudosan® environmentally friendly liquid insecticidal soap to control soft bodied insects such as spider mites and aphids on fruits, vegetables and ornamental plants. The active ingredient is Potassium Salt of Fatty Acids. It is fast acting and may be used up to harvest time. Neudosan® makes the perfect complement to use to protect beneficial insects, as once Neudosan® has dried, there is no risk to these beneficial organisms. It is registered for use in SA. See label for application and more information. Pre-harvest period: 0 days. Re-Entry period: 0 days. MRL: 0ppm. Certified Organic.
Need to get rid of insects quickly? Try Biogrow’s Pyrol®, a liquid insecticide effective against many sucking and biting insects such as red spider mite, aphids and scale on various plants. It contains Natural-Pyrethrum, scientifically extracted from chrysanthemum flowers mixed with Rape-seed oil. This combination creates a potent natural insecticide. Pyrol® is toxic to insects, harmless to mammals and degrades rapidly in sunlight and oxygen, posing no lasting threat to the environment or non-target organisms. Rapeseed oil is extremely effective against the egg stages of pests and prevents hatching of larvae, plus coats the adult stages. Apply cautiously near beneficial insects to avoid harm. It is registered for use in SA. See label for application and more information. Pre-harvest period: 0 days. Re-Entry period: 0 days. MRL: 0ppm. Certified Organic.
Snail and Slug Control:
Slugs and snails damage plants by feeding on the leaves. When using chemical control, the decomposing bodies remain in the produce, that is not only unsightly they also contain chemical toxins. Biogrow’s Ferramol offers a friendly solution for pets, wildlife, and humans and is a natural molluscicide. Scatter Ferramol® near plants, the bait attracts the pest. Once ingested, Ferramol stops the slug and snails from feeding leading to death in 3-6 days. Made from Iron phosphate, a naturally occurring biodegradable compound, Ferramol decomposes along with affected snails and slugs, minimising environmental persistence. Its advanced granular formula remains effective even in heavy rain, swelling in wet weather and then dehydrating when conditions dry out to its original form. Ferramol® has a low toxicity to non-target organisms, including beneficial insects and microorganisms. Ferramol® is safe for use around pets, wildlife, and humans. It is registered for use in SA. See label for application and more information. Pre-harvest period: 0 days. Re-Entry period: 0 days. MRL: 0ppm. Certified Organic.
Weed Control:
Biogrow’s Finalsan is a fast acting, non-selective herbicide that controls common annual weeds, moss, and algae. Best results are obtained with young, actively growing weeds, less than 12cm in height. Will also control algae and moss on driveways and patios. Effect on weeds, moss and algae will be visible from within a few hours to 2 days. It is registered for use in SA. See label for application and more information. Pre-harvest period: 0 days. Re-Entry period: 0 days. MRL: 0ppm. Certified Organic.
Cool, damp, humid weather can give rise to fungal & bacterial diseases. These diseases can be managed with fungicides from BIOGROW, either preventatively before wet weather conditions, or curatively after infection occurs.
Biogrow’s Phyta
is an immune boosting, dual-purpose tonic that builds resistance to plant diseases. It supplies highly available phosphate, potassium, zinc and copper. The liquid format bonds the nutrients with organic acids called Chelation. This helps plants to absorb nutrients better and improves nutrients solubility in soil, aiding root uptake. Once nutrients are in the plant, it helps with health and growth. Phyta maximises resistance to disease including downy and powdery mildew, scab, botrytis, phytophthora and pythium. It is registered for use in SA. See label for application and more information. Pre-harvest period: 0 days. Re-Entry period: 0 days. MRL: 0ppm.
Biogrow’s Copper Soap
is a patented ultra-low-load copper fungicide formulation for diseases control. It uses low copper to guard against disease while boosting the plants immune system. The unique formula based on fatty acids helps the copper ions (Cu++) to be taken up by fungal and bacterial spores during germination causing their demise. For preventative measures, spray Copper Soap on the leaf, flower or fruit before spores begin to germination. There is no visible residue, and it’s made from natural ingredients. It is odourless and easy to clean from equipment. Effective without a wetting agent. It is registered for use in SA. See label for application and more information. Certified Organic.
Plant growth and development Management:
Biogrow fertiliser are made with natural ingredients for maximum improvement in plant health.
Pet, kid, bee, bird and beneficial insect friendly.
No lingering chemicals or synthetic fertiliser to contaminate ground water and soil.
A nourishing blend of kelp, fish hydrolysate, amino acids and triacontanol, provides a comprehensive boost for plant health and growth. With a balanced blend of nutrients, growth promoters and plant hormones, it supports robust root development, efficient nutrient intake, improved photosynthesis, and resilience. Suitable for all conditions. Registered for use in SA. Application details on the label.
a foliar feed supplying vital macro & micronutrients. (3.1.5 NPK) derived from sugar beet. It strengthens plant, aiding flower development and can be used as a foliar feed or a drench. It combines well with other products. Biotrissol is registered for use in SA. Find application and more information on label. Certified Organic.
Water Saving Management:
Lack of rain, too much rain, over-watering indoor plants, forgetting to water indoor plants? Biogrow’s Integrate will solve watering problems, easily. Integrate cuts water needs by 30-50% via innovative Tri block Co-polymer technology. It forms a mesh of water-attractant head and a water-repelling tail to facilitate lateral water & nutrient spread in root zone, while limiting vertical flow and leaching. It curbs soil surface evaporation, conserves water, boost oxygen to roots and reduces runoff. Ideal for pot plants, seedlings and drought conditions, it minimizes leaching of soil and groundwater, reduces fertiliser use and fits all irrigation systems. Registered for use in SA. Find application and more information on label.
Lack of rain, too much rain, over-watering indoor plants, forgetting to water indoor plants? Biogrow’s Integrate will solve watering problems, easily. Integrate cuts water needs by 30-50% via innovative Tri block Co-polymer technology. It forms a mesh of water-attractant head and a water-repelling tail to facilitate lateral water & nutrient spread in root zone, while limiting vertical flow and leaching. It curbs soil surface evaporation, conserves water, boost oxygen to roots and reduces runoff. Ideal for pot plants, seedlings and drought conditions, it minimizes leaching of soil and groundwater, reduces fertiliser use and fits all irrigation systems. Registered for use in SA. Find application and more information on label.
Kitchen waste and Garden cuttings makes wonderful compost:
Recycle kitchen waste and plant cuttings to craft your own compost. Combine with Radavit from Biogrow, a blend of compost bacteria, enzymes, fungi cultures, and nutrients that hastens organic breakdown. Radavit accelerates composting, transforming waste materials into nutrient-rich compost faster. Sprinkle lightly between compost layers, maintain dampness and turn every 2-3 weeks to ensure micro-organisms receive oxygen. Apply your homemade compost in the garden as a mulch and nutrients for year-round benefits. Find application and more information on label.
Home cleaning solution
Maintain a clean home without harming surfaces with Biogrow’s High-Clean. It offers eco-friendly cleaning by utilising natural enzymes and biodegradable surfactants. Grey water from using Hi-Clean is safe for your garden. Enzymes swiftly target various stains like proteins, fats and oils, breaking them down. Combined with surfactants, this solution efficiently lifts dirt and grime. Hi-Clean ensures thorough cleaning without ecological harm, reflecting its sustainable and biodegradable composition. Certified Organic. Find application and more information on label.
How to use Biogrow products to give you the best outcomes:
Here are guidelines to effectively use Biogrow products. We provide a versatile approach that suits roses, veggies, fruit trees, ornamentals, and general use. Given the natural ingredients of the Biogrow range, the products rapid breakdown, regular spraying is essential for prevention. Plant care involves nutrition, insect and disease control. By blending our products, all aspects of are addressed. Apply minimum dosage levels to maintain synergy and efficacy.
Insect Pest Control Spray Programmes:
Aim to control insect populations to a level where minimal damage is caused to the plants, veg & fruit.
During the growing season alternate at 10 – 14-day intervals between sprays for preventative maintenance:
• Bioneem at 10ml /1â„“ water – Low insect infestation, or, and a good option is to combined.
• Neudosan at 20 ml /1â„“ water – Signs of soft bodied insect activity
Under high insect infestation and increased plant damage, spray Pyrol at shorter intervals, every 7 days, to suppress the population of insects to a manageable level. Then continue with maintenance programme.
Bioneem is preventative and needs to be ingested to be effective. Bioneem will remain on the plants leaves for 3 - 7 days to provide prolonged control.
Use Neudosan for aphids or other soft-bodied insects. It will not offer control on any beetles or caterpillars, but will help with thrips, Psylla and whitefly.
Pyrol is a broad-spectrum control and can be used in a crisis management situation as a spot spray where problems exist. Pyrol is a contact insecticide which works best if it lands directly on the insect or is eaten by the insect within 12 hours of spraying.
For nocturnal pests, spray Pyrol late in the day to ensure consumption by the insect while the product is still active.
On edible crops the rule is SPRAY TODAY… EAT TOMORROW.
Always read the label and follow mixing instructions.
Insect Pest Control Spray Programmes:
Snail and Slug Control:
Scatter on the soil around or near the plants Biogrow’s Ferramol at 5g or 1 teaspoon per m2., depending on level of snail infestation, it may be necessary to use a bit more initially in order to bring the population under control, thereafter apply at 5g/m2 as a preventative measure. Re-apply once bait is consumed, or every 3 weeks. Evening is the best time to apply Ferramol, as slugs and snails travel and feed mostly by night or in the early morning. Pellets are rain fast and remain active even during heavy rains.
Fungal and Bacterial Control Spray Programmes:
Under dry conditions alternate your fungal programme at 14-day intervals. Under wet conditions decrease your spray interval, according to infectious periods, to a weekly application if necessary. Cool, warm, damp and humid weather conditions give rise to diseases.
Cool, humid, damp weather spray: Copper Soap at 10 – 20 ml/1â„“ water, alternating with
Phyta at 5ml/1â„“ water every 7 – 10 days.
Dry and warm conditions: same products and rates, increase spray interval to 14 – 21 days.
For Black Spot on roses continue with Copper Soap throughout the season.
Excellent general spray for roses, veggies, fruit and flower beds – mix together a cocktail of Copper Soap, Biotrissol and insecticide on your choice (Bioneem, Neudosan, Pyrol)
• Start spraying before disease is visible.
• Re-apply after heavy rainfall.
• Ensure good coverage of plant.
• Spray in the early morning or late afternoon.
Copper Soap is a preventative product. It will control anthracnose, Downey and powdery mildew, botrytis and black spot.
Phyta is a preventative and remedial systemic product that will prevent downy and powdery mildew, botrytis, phytophtora and pythium. Read product label before use,
Fungal and Bacterial Control Spray Programmes:
Foliar feed:
Biotrissol is an excellent plant food that promotes flowering and overall plant health, apply: • 5ml/â„“ water every 14 days from the beginning of Spring through to Autumn. • It is compatible with the insecticides and may be added into these mixes. Can be drenched into the soil.
Phyta is derived from potassium and phosphate with trace elements which stimulate healthy growth will maximise resistance and it may be sprayed or drenched Phyta is a Plant Tonic and contains no Nitrogen and offers additional disease benefit. • Fortnightly or as required, spray or drench. Seabrix is a sustainable fertiliser that promotes plant growth, strong roots and overall plant health. • Foliar spray: 5ml/â„“ water apply weekly as a full cover spray from the beginning of Spring through to Autumn. • Soil drench: 10ml/L water Apply monthly around plant roots, also suitable to use through irrigation system. • Planting seeds: use 0.5% dilution at planting. • Transplanting seedlings: apply 1% dilution at transplant. • It is compatible with the insecticides and may be added into these mixes. Drenched into the soil.
Foliar feed:
Water saving programme:
Water saving programme:
Integrate can help save 30-50% on water requirements, as its moves available water laterally while increasing oxygen availability to the root zone. Great for pot plants, seedlings, transplants and reduce leaching.
• First time use: Apply 10m/1L water, apply mixture evenly around the base of plant.
• Re-apply monthly at 5ml/1L water.
Herbicide control programme:
Herbicide control programme: